Linear Guideway

  • HIWIN EG Series Low Profile Ball Type Linear Guideway
  • HIWIN EG Series Low Profile Ball Type Linear Guideway
  • HIWIN EG Series Low Profile Ball Type Linear Guideway
  • HIWIN EG Series Low Profile Ball Type Linear Guideway
HIWIN EG Series Low Profile Ball Type Linear GuidewayHIWIN EG Series Low Profile Ball Type Linear GuidewayHIWIN EG Series Low Profile Ball Type Linear GuidewayHIWIN EG Series Low Profile Ball Type Linear Guideway

HIWIN EG Series Low Profile Ball Type Linear Guideway

  • Product description: EG Series Low Profile Ball Type Linear Guideway


HIWIN Linear Guideway EGH-SA / EGH-CA Dimensions
Model Dimensions of Assembly(mm) Dimensions of Block(mm) Dimensions of Rail(mm) Mounting Bolt for Rail Basic Dynamic Load Rating Basic Static Load Rating Static Rated Moment Weight
H H1 N W B B1 C L1 L K1 K2 G Mxl T H2 H3 WR HR D h d P E (mm) C(kN) C0(kN) MR(kN-m) MP(kN-m) MY(kN-m) Block(kg) Rail(kg/m)
EGH15SA 24 4.5 9.5 34 26 4 - 23.1 40.1 14.8 3.5 5.7 M4x6 6 5.5 6 15 12.5 6 4.5 3.5 60 20 M3x16 5.35 9.4 0.08 0.04 0.04 0.09 1.25
EGH15CA 24 4.5 9.5 34 26 4 26 39.8 56.8 10.15 3.5 5.7 M4x6 6 5.5 6 15 12.5 6 4.5 3.5 60 20 M3x16 7.83 16.19 0.13 0.1 0.1 0.15 1.25
EGH20SA 28 6 11 42 32 5 - 29 50 18.75 4.15 12 M5x7 7.5 6 6 20 15.5 9.5 8.5 6 60 20 M5x16 7.23 12.74 0.13 0.06 0.06 0.15 2.08
EGH20CA 28 6 11 42 32 5 32 48.1 69.1 12.3 4.15 12 M5x7 7.5 6 6 20 15.5 9.5 8.5 6 60 20 M5x16 10.31 21.13 0.22 0.16 0.16 0.24 2.08
EGH25SA 33 7 12.5 48 35 6.5 - 35.5 59.1 21.9 4.55 12 M6x9 8 8 8 23 18 11 9 7 60 20 M6x20 11.4 19.5 0.23 0.12 0.12 0.25 2.67
EGH25CA 33 7 12.5 48 35 6.5 35 59 82.6 16.15 4.55 12 M6x9 8 8 8 23 18 11 9 7 60 20 M6x20 16.27 32.4 0.38 0.32 0.32 0.41 2.67
EGH30SA 42 10 16 60 40 10 - 41.5 69.5 26.75 6 12 M8x12 9 8 9 28 23 11 9 7 80 20 M6x25 16.42 28.1 0.4 0.21 0.21 0.45 4.35
EGH30CA 42 10 16 60 40 10 40 70.1 98.1 21.05 6 12 M8x12 9 8 9 28 23 11 9 7 80 20 M6x25 23.7 47.46 0.68 0.55 0.55 0.76 4.35
EGH35SA 48 11 18 70 50 10 - 45 75 28.5 7 12 M8x12 10 8.5 8.5 34 27.5 14 12 9 80 20 M8x25 22.66 37.38 0.56 0.31 0.31 0.74 6.14
EGH35CA 48 11 18 70 50 10 50 78 108 20 7 12 M8x12 10 8.5 8.5 34 27.5 14 12 9 80 20 M8x25 33.35 64.84 0.98 0.69 0.69 1.1 6.14


HIWIN Linear Guideway EGW-SA / EGW-CA Dimensions
Model Dimensions of Assembly(mm) Dimensions of Block(mm) Dimensions of Rail(mm) Mounting Bolt for Rail Basic Dynamic Load Rating Basic Static Load Rating Static Rated Moment Weight
H H1 N W B B1 C L1 L K1 K2 G M T T1 H2 H3 WR HR D h d P E (mm) C(kN) C0(kN) MR(kN-m) MP(kN-m) MY(kN-m) Block(kg) Rail(kg/m)
EGW15SA 24 4.5 18.5 52 41 5.5 - 23.1 40.1 14.8 3.5 5.7 M5 5 7 5.5 6 15 12.5 6 4.5 3.5 60 20 M3x16 5.35 9.4 0.08 0.04 0.04 0.12 1.25
EGW15CA 24 4.5 18.5 52 41 5.5 26 39.8 56.8 10.15 3.5 5.7 M5 5 7 5.5 6 15 12.5 6 4.5 3.5 60 20 M3x16 7.83 16.19 0.13 0.1 0.1 0.21 1.25
EGW20SA 28 6 19.5 59 49 5 - 29 50 18.75 4.15 12 M6 7 9 6 6 20 15.5 9.5 8.5 6 60 20 M5x16 7.23 12.74 0.13 0.06 0.06 0.19 2.08
EGW20CA 28 6 19.5 59 49 5 32 48.1 69.1 12.3 4.15 12 M6 7 9 6 6 20 15.5 9.5 8.5 6 60 20 M5x16 10.31 21.13 0.22 0.16 0.16 0.32 2.08
EGW25SA 33 7 25 73 60 6.5 - 35.5 59.1 21.9 4.55 12 M8 7.5 10 8 8 23 18 11 9 7 60 20 M6x20 11.4 19.5 0.23 0.12 0.12 0.35 2.67
EGW25CA 33 7 25 73 60 6.5 35 59 82.6 16.15 4.55 12 M8 7.5 10 8 8 23 18 11 9 7 60 20 M6x20 16.27 32.4 0.38 0.32 0.32 0.59 2.67
EGW30SA 42 10 31 90 72 9 - 41.5 69.5 26.75 6 12 M10 7 10 8 9 28 23 11 9 7 80 20 M6x25 16.42 28.1 0.4 0.21 0.21 0.62 4.35
EGW30CA 42 10 31 90 72 9 40 70.1